Is Your Property Suitable For Subdivision?

The first consideration when deciding whether your property is suitable for subdivision is always size. If your property is too small then the subdivided land won’t be big enough for anyone to want to buy it. Councils usually also have minimum lot size requirements you’ll need to meet to get your subdivision approved. Make sure you get a professional consulting surveyor to help with this step.

You’ll also need to consider what the real estate market is like in your area – if there is low demand you may find it hard to sell a subdivided property at all. A couple of good signs are high or rising property prices or a large number of pre-existing subdivisions.

Other things you may want to the consider are.

  • Look into local zoning laws to find out whether you are allowed to subdivide your property or not.

  • Make sure it will be feasible – and not too expensive – to get utilities such as electricity, gas, water, and sewage connected up to the new property you’re creating. Problems can arise if any of these things will be difficult or costly to do, or if they require access to a neighbours property.

  • If your house is old and needs to be modified, moved, or partially destroyed for the subdivision to work, you could run into heritage issues.